Aug 13, 2009

They See Me Rollin’, They Hatin’

Yeah, it’s not every day that you can see something like this on the road.
I think there’s some logical explanation to that. In the meantime, let's see what the photographer saw from behind the trees.

Aug 7, 2009

The Violent Confrontation of a Mule and a Cougar

This story is just unbelievable, it's a bit old but we never put it on the site and not everyone knows it.
Here is what happened: a couple living in Montana were outside with a mule and 2 dogs. He with a gun (he is a hunter), she with a camera. A cougar that was nearby decided that he would have a dog for dinner.
The hunter saw the animal so he wanted to shoot in the air to scare the beast but did not even have timeto do that - the cougar was already approaching a dog. Here is the incredible part of the story: the mule snatched the cougar up by the tail and started whirling him around banging its head on the ground repeatedly. Then the mule dropped it on the ground, stomped on it and held it by the throat. The mule got down on his knees and began to bite the creature a dozen times. The poor animal could not do anything ...
The hunter did not even need to shoot and the woman was able to take these 4 exceptional pictures. Conclusion, if you need an animal to protect you, think about the mules, they are very effective ))